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Linear Control Theory: Computer-Aided Analytical Methods

 Author: LE NGOC GIANG  Category: TextBook  Publisher: Genesis Global Publication  Published: 19 Mar, 2024  ISBN: 978-93-92800-92-4  Pages: 168  Country: India  Language: English  Dimension: 8.3 x 11.7 (in inches)  File Size: 2976 kb  Tags: TextBook |  Download

To meet the urgent requirement of standardization and unification of the system of textbooks and documents as a scientific basis for task teaching, learning, and research on effective automatic control theory, we organize and compile the textbook “Linear control theory: Computer-aided analytical methods.” The textbook is compiled based on the content of a number of textbooks and documents on automatic control theory, combined with practical experience teaching this subject.

The curriculum includes four chapters:

Chapter 1: Dynamic description of an automatic control system

Chapter 2: Dynamic characteristics of an automatic control system

Chapter 3: Survey of the stability of the automatic control system

Chapter 4: Quality assessment of the automatic control system

Chapter 5: Analyzing control systems using Matlab

The compilation process cannot avoid certain shortcomings. We hope to receive comments from readers and colleagues to make the textbook more and more complete.

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